Hello! When someone says the word wrap, somehow still represent only those trashy kvietkované wrapping paper that stand in stationery and almost no one does not buy. I'm a little sorry that people stop using wrapping paper and everything "CPU" to gift turnovers - although beautiful and the choice is definitely more themes. Remember even the sheer joy of a child tearing wrapping paper? That's exactly what we should do it more often! And when the store find gift wrap that suits your tastes, try to produce it. :) All you need to produce, is baliciaci brown recycled paper, acrylic paint, mouthpiece (which suffice for washing mouka foam dishes) and some template with the shape you want on wrapping paper shall be stamped. :) On the first, and indeed the last problem with the production of wrapping paper was get recycled wrapping paper. mouka foam I had the feeling that came over Slovakia, anywhere because I asked it, not him. So I finally opted for a fallback and BAUMAX e-bought so that paper, which is used when moving (that will not break glasses and so). Although it is quite thin, but two layers easily cover your gift. :) Moreover, it is already ahead, cut into, so you do not need to pack some very bulky gifts, it saves a lot of time and nerves (because straight cutting not my strengths).
The procedure for making paper is simple bees. For the production of templates I used a hard surface to a workbook in which I cut out the shape willed. Templates I then enclosed a paper using a sponge and I through it otláčala color. If I can advise, so it's just that you have a rough draft first tried to gain sufficient mouka foam skill and see how much paint is needed for application. If you do not have acrylic paint, it does not matter at all, feel free to use just any other. Also, if you have color akrylovky try, as I do, mixed in plain white colored nail polish. You can only create the shades mouka foam what suits you. :)
2014 (13) July (7) Little chitchat with Barbora (k) ou LANDSCAPING: Enjoy All The Little Things DIY Wrapping paper Sounds of Saturday # 02 Read: Jozef Banas - Zone enthusiasm Výletík to Bojnice Rýchlobedy. :) June (6)
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