Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Siv baking and frying has moved, but is just a click away! New habitat is MatPrat `s new summary pa

There is something particularly satisfying to make the jam yourself, especially in summer and autumn when many can even use fruit from your own garden. This jam was so good that I immediately had to make a serving waffles to enjoy it. There was no bad supper. :-) Jam powder is not necessary to make jam themselves (many do not use preservatives), but it helps to thicken the jam and that it increases the shelf life. 500 g rhubarb 500 g strawberries 500 g sugar bag Certo pickle powder (optional) Clean the fruit and cut into chunks. Put in a saucepan styrochem with half the sugar. Bring to a boil and simmer for 5-10 minutes. Foam possibly styrochem off. Mix brawn powder with the rest of the sugar and stir into the mixture. Boil further few minutes. styrochem Pour into hot sterilized jars.
We would also have liked a little more jam, but ruhbarb have not had good growth curve after we moved it with us. The range is just a small portion of ice. But we bet on next year :-) June 28, 2011 at. 08.15
As long as you have used hot sterilized jars and there is vacuum in the glass (meaning that it is unopened) so keep jam for several months stored styrochem in a cool place. Even when it is opened, styrochem you can expect that there remains at least 2-3 months (depending on the type of berry / fruit) in the refrigerator. You can therefore make good jam even if you have not the seal cap. Jams can also be frozen (when you can use Certo freeze powder instead of pickle powder). June 29th, 2011 at. 15.27
American (3) baby food (9) British (17) bread / buns (31) Danish (4) desserts styrochem (35) miscellaneous (16) drinks (5) fish (7) French (9) fruit (36) Greek ( 4) grill (1) casseroles (17) Indian (5) Irish (1) ice cream (20) Italian (13) Christmas (25) Cakes (106) turkey (2) Chinese (4) ground beef (14) Creole (2) chicken (27) lamb (4) lunches (7) Moroccan (1) Mexican (6) Beef (15) oven dishes (20) pies / tarts (22) pasta (11) pizza (6) sausages (3) salads (12) sauces / dips (12) cookies (34) sandwiches (10) summer food (21) Spanish (3) soups (5) Swedish (2) Pork (9) Accessories (13) vegetarian (53) venison (1)
2014 (14) June (2) April (4) March (4) February (3) January (1) 2013 (16) December (3) November (2) October (1) September (2) August (4) July (4) 2012 (17) June (1) May (1) April (4) March (3) February (5) January (3) 2011 (78) December (5) November (6) October (7) September (9) August (10) July (9) June (11) Summer sausage rolls. Rhubarb and strawberry styrochem jam. Kaffemakroner with caramel filling. Potato curry with poached egg Homemade mayonnaise. Cheesecake with browniebunn. Crispy styrochem chicken styrochem burger Spices Butter Baked potato wedges. Crash hot potatoes. Banana Milkshake May (10) April (5) March (1) February (2) January (3) 2010 (132) December (11) November (11) October (12) September (8 ) August (9) July (10) June (11) May (13) April (12) March (14) February (10) January (11) 2009 (126) December (12 ) November (11) October (11) September (10) August (10) July (8) June (12) May (6) April (10) March (10) February (11 ) January (15) 2008 (48) December (10) November styrochem (4) October (2) September (1) June (4) May (3) April (4) March (12 ) February (8)
Saturday we visited, tradition, summer show on the 2nd floor of Engelsviken brew outside Fredrikstad. Every summer for 17 years, the show with the group Three of Taub ...
This was the first time all four of us sat at the table and ate the same meal together as ... Continue reading
I have fallen in love with Biscotti. Crispy biscuit with little flavor bombs and sticky styrochem surprises. Delicious! styrochem I googled around a bit and found a recipe I liked ...
This is a lovely, large, warm and powerful chicken pie. Properly "comfort food" for cold winter days! * You need: ** Base: * 260 g flour 200 g butter until 1 ..
Siv baking and frying has moved, but is just a click away! New habitat is MatPrat `s new summary page for foodies styrochem bloggers; Matblogg ...
oil 1 onion, chopped 1 red chili or jalapeño, finely chopped 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped 1 can s

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