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Nancy and Ethan's creative foam 1903 cabin features a wrap around porch and is situated on 80 acres. They rent the home from a friend whose family has owned the property creative foam since 1846. Because the home is so special and the grounds creative foam are magical, they don't have any plans on moving anytime soon. They plan on renting indefinitely until they can build their own home from reclaimed materials.
Looking at the home Nancy and Ethan created, it reminds me of all the elements that make a house a home - everything in their home is special and has a personal meaning. Can I move in... or at least come over to visit? creative foam
Our Style: Our style is cozy and comforting. Most everything in our home was a gift, thrift or trade...and took time to acquire. It's important to both of us that it feels warm and inviting...a home, rather than just a house.
Inspiration: We are both very visual people with an acute attention to being a photographer and Ethan with his background in we have definitely put effort into a visual vibe that is calming, interesting and unique. There are many years of love put into all that we own. We have many different creative foam friends who are constantly adding to the environment...with art, cooking and odds and ends of inspiring momentums. Our friends creative foam and comfort are the inspiration in our lives and in our home.
Favorite Element: Preservation: The fact that they kept the cabin portion of the house (built in 1903) in tact and in perfect condition when moving it here (to prevent it from being torn down for new development creative foam in town) is awesome. The wooden door with horseshoe was the original door to the cabin but was used in the master bath as the closet door. We are pretty attached to the fact that we live tucked away in an orchard close to the ocean. I'd say this is our favorite element. The house could be any type or size and we'd be perfectly happy because of the location.
Biggest Challenge: Um...parenthood is the biggest challenge when decorating any space. We constantly have to be aware of creating an environment where our toddler (and soon to be born) can feel's not appealing to be in any space where you have to constantly supervise and keeps paws and mitts off of everything! Hence all the beautiful woven baskets filled with Ohle's toys in each room of the investment ever!
Proudest DIY: The best thing we did to this house was to bring a lot of light in by painting certain areas and ceilings bright white. The wood is super cozy, but can be very dark. We love that the floors are plywood! creative foam We never have to worry about scratching them, spills, or all the dirt our Australian Shepard creative foam drags in.
Biggest Indulgence: We splurge on cookware. I love to cook and Ethan loves to eat! Le Crueset and I have a certain understanding which no other cookware compares. I also can't say enough how amazing our Wedgewood Stove is...really.
ARTWORK Over the bed, & green square in the living room: Nancy Neil Yellow wood block print: Zacarias Paul Woven piece: Calico Brown local artist All wooden scrap Art over the Toilet: Ethan (my hubby) Owl: Found thrift store Stone art piece: Julia Brown local artist Giraffe Plate: Rebekah creative foam Miles• HOUSE TOUR ARCHIVE Check out past house tours here • Interested in sharing your home with Apartment Therapy? creative foam Contact the editors through our House Tour Submission Form . • Are you a designer/architect/decorator interested in sharing a residential project with Apartment Therapy readers? Contact the editors through our Professional Submission Form .
Marcia is an interior, portrait, and travel photographer and has photographed over 50 homes of creatives. Her photographic style is capturing her subject in the most natural state and creating an emotional response.
CallDoctorBison 11.03.11 12:32PM
I love it! The wood is incredible, and I dig the comfortable, cobbled-together vibe. We had a quirky cabin like this when I was a kid, and I credit that place for a lot of my oddball creative foam taste in design and decor.
Love the interior ceilings... might do something similar with my current remodel... feel free to take a look... Was it hard to get the sheetrock to meet the wood paneling and still have a tight seam? any type of sealant there?
great house tour! although I did ask myself if the photos were edited with a sort of "instagram-esque" sort of filter as there are a few where the tints look a bit unnatural, although absolutely dreamy.
Echoing what others have This really does feel like a home that's full of love; the kind of place you'd want to raise a family. I love it!
Love creative foam the home and love the little geometric wooden lamp in the
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