Thursday, June 19, 2014

Many are probably wondering why you have chosen 50 N limit. A man who is in the water, and breathed

Keep liquid - choose protective packaging the right vest | Newspaper Canoeing
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Nowadays there are a wide variety of special life jackets for kayaking. But what should you prioritize? Appearance, economics, fit, design or buoyancy? We will guide you in an election that could save your life.
What do the rules? By law, all life jackets sold in Sweden carry the CE mark and the user information to be in Swedish or other Nordic protective packaging languages, however, does not prohibit the use of other vests. CE marking together with 50 N guarantees that the life jacket provides a buoyancy of at least 50 N (Newton) corresponding to 5 kg. The CE Mark is also the requirement of the design of the vest; For example, the shoulder straps, stitching and buckles to be so strong protective packaging that rescue workers can secure the lifting equipment in the shoulder straps and lift you up from the water (good to know if you are hanging below the helicopter and is headed protective packaging for security).
There are also requirements on samples of materials used and the vest (nothing can be changed without a new test). Although CE marking must ensure protective packaging good quality and function, it is wise to avoid the cheapest vests and go for renowned brands. It does not hurt to look over all the fixings and straps before you purchase the vest. If you would be hesitant about a West certainly lives up to the requirements, you may contact the Consumer Agency. CE marking is however a minimum, protective packaging therefore, life jackets that are marked with CE and 50 N have significantly higher buoyancy. Many American vests are also CE marked and has a buoyancy protective packaging of 70 N or more.
In the U.S., the U.S. Coast Guard approval as regards (USCG). That's a tougher standard than the CE marking, but these jackets have CE approved before they can be sold in Sweden. The Storyline and to develop a common ISO standard, where the text of the label is replaced by symbols. One of the purposes of this standard is to make it global.
What does the life vest? It will be a help to keep you afloat. It is important to understand that a life vest for paddling is not a lifejacket. The lifejacket will turn an unconscious so they're lying with your head up in the water. It does not make life vest. There are two basic ideas for how the life jacket to behave when you are in the water. The most common is that the life jacket must be seated where it sits on the body, to facilitate swimming and rescue. The second, located behind Kanuks construction, protective packaging is that the life jacket will slide up a bit when you're in the water and thereby lift the chin to reduce the risk of getting protective packaging water in your mouth. A lifejacket with crotch strap makes it impossible to get together chapel and paddle jacket so it gets really tight.
Many are probably wondering why you have chosen 50 N limit. A man who is in the water, and breathed the air out of the lungs have a deficit of 4 kg of buoyancy. A 50 N lifejacket will therefore actually provide a surplus of 1 kg buoyancy and a 70 N will give a surplus of 3 kg. Most of the manufacturers of dimension flotation capacity in relation to the norm. Buoyancy has been tried to compare the vests peer. Steel Weights (not calibrated) was hung on the vests and then immersed in the lake. The difference of 2.7 kg between the one who had the best buoyancy and whoever protective packaging had the lowest buoyancy. Any excess protective packaging of the requirement of the CE norm. The flotation was tested on the size importer recommended for my weight and body size.
Float Medium / materials as flowing agents used several different materials. The choice affects both the size, comfort, environment and sustainability. Polyethylene is cheap and durable, but produces a hard foam block. PVC is cheap, soft, durable, can withstand pressure protective packaging loads, mildew, not so easy and provides the most buoyancy per liter of foam, but it is expensive protective packaging and very bad for the environment (both occupational and external environment). NBR or Gaia is softer and more flexible than PVC while it is less damaging to the environment, it is more sensitive to pressure. Life jackets are available in several fabric qualities. Cordura is the most durable, plain nylon is softer, protective packaging thinner and more susceptible to abrasion.
Visibility In my opinion, all life jackets be safe paint; clear red, yellow or orange. Glare is also a given. Paddling protective packaging in a black, gray or blue vest is irresponsible if you do not use it as coastal hunters during a military campaign where camouflage is the most important.
Fit Always test your lifejacket when you sit in the kayak; sit in the kayak with the vest sitting loosely on the body, take a deep breathe protective packaging before you tighten all straps. It is important that it feels comfortable to wear, otherwise the risk is that it is lying on land. There are many life jackets that are custom designed

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