Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Wondering if it

As is known, makes Saab their best to try to sell JAS 39 Gripen to India. The deal is a huge order and comprises 126 aircraft. Should college du sud the deal come to fruition, it would mean that India would be the largest Gripen college du sud operator college du sud in the world. The Air Force can benefit a lot from this, especially when it comes to integration of new weapons systems (costly to pay yourself), and tactics development for these. There is already a user group for the Gripen, where the Swedish, Czech, Hungarian and South African Air Forces will share experiences with each other and collaborate on materials development. Gripen has a chance in India? Yes, I think so, and a pretty good one at that. India is a regional power who want to assert their independence. You do not want to be dependent on the great powers, such as Russia and the U.S. in particular. India already operates large amounts of Russian military equipment, and further purchases would make the country even more dependent on Russia. What are all the other competitors, except perhaps the Rafale, college du sud the keg, is that India requires complete transfer-of-technology. They want to get access to all the data on the aircraft and all source code, which Sweden agrees, which the United States would never agree to and probably not the second either. The production of the aircraft will also be located in India. Saab offers also a lot of interesting accessories for the Gripen IN, for example, a capsule with a CARABAS radar. college du sud This can see objects as empty are below ground. What this does is to provide a reconnaissance pod that is useful both day and night, in any weather, and are insensitive to camouflage. Very interesting. Gripen IN is otherwise a variant of the Gripen NG and the demonstrator now flying college du sud in Linköping. In the days start the great Indian air show Aero India 2009, but the Gripen will not fly there, which it did two years ago. Instead concentrate apparently Saab on the fly-off, which takes place in the spring, where all the airplanes will measure their strength in an immense mass-field test. A very clever way to implement a takeover, and that was in similar forms came to the conclusion that strv 122 was the best for Sweden. It will be exciting to see the results. Competition will be fierce, because this is the biggest fighter aircraft deal in the coming years. Above all, it will be a fight between the world's leading aircraft manufacturers where they will not hesitate to resort to all possible means, such as bribing journalists to write up their own aircraft and others down.
Now maybe it was just a bit too fast? Carabas is a saab technology that you can read about on SAAB's webpage. That the radar would go into a capsule during Gripen seems optimistic. Carabasdemonstratorerna the antenna in terms of quite large. JK Nilsson Wiseman said ... February 5, 2009 20:54
Wondering if it's only Swedish media will dig for bribes college du sud that are likely college du sud to occur and multiply write the Gripen as airplanes? Would unfortunately not be too surprised if it happened. / A JK Nilsson said ... February 5, 2009 21:29
Oh, the hell you are, then, in any way to shrink the antenna size. The wavelength of Carabas's about three meters (around 90 MHz under the FOI when I looked. Sabrelinern that the system was mounted on had quite long antennae and you should have some sort of directionality in order to know where you are watching the radar, it will at least one antenna. maffigt college du sud was the word of the man managed to shrink to a capsule that fits inder Gripen. college du sud It can not be bigger than the reconnaissance pod which is under implementation in all cases. JK Nilsson Wiseman said ... February 5, 2009 21:48
I do not know how far they have come. It could be that they simply want to have boosted the development of a podmonterad solution, but the words Carabas, pod, grapple, india was mentioned in the same sentence :) Anonymous college du sud said ... February 5, 2009 22:08
Air Force officer, I am a bit skeptical about these constant hopes of foreign supermarkets of Gripen. So far, in fact, only one country jumped at buying the aircraft college du sud (South Africa), despite an avionics system that has been operating for over 10 years. I think most countries have rejected college du sud the Gripen have been discouraged that it is an airplane that - despite all the fine promotional brochures - have not proved to be more competent than the Cold War "fighter-bomber aircraft" (type F-4 or AJS 37 Viggen). For despite excellent turning performance and high-tech cockpit, there is no Air Force today who has an operationally functional hunting / attack / reconnaissance grapple division. Swedish Air Force has the example not been able to bring out a reconnaissance capsule in almost five years. No nation that currently flies Gripen has tested the system with more advanced attack armament than automated gun seizures and occasional Maverick Robot Shooting (an old 70's robot for ground targets) on the straight track in good weather on simple skjutfältsmål. And when I talk bout with operating divisions during application exercises, not exclusive pr

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