Monday, June 23, 2014

So my hope to drive in winter coats were left. Until on Friday when the rain started pouring down.

It's been two weeks since we were out on the top hunting in a winter Västerbotten. Unfortunately, so has the winter in this part of the country transformed from snow to sleet to rain. Plans to test the lure fox was born sometime 5 roll in the middle of last week and then there was still so much snow out in the fields to my winter camouflaged equipment was still current. I and my youngest daughter was out and went skiing last weekend, partly to look for two boar baits and partly to teach 6-year-old to ski. She would definitely go on top of the chase, but as I said it's too much to ski and too far, so she was greatly disappointed. In order to comply with next year, so she has decided to train to ski a lot and often. 5 roll
So my hope to drive in winter coats were left. Until on Friday when the rain started pouring down. After a final turn with the car to reconnoiter it was only to realize, I must away with all white as I painstakingly applied 5 roll to both weapons and peripherals.
Inspired by Ulf Lindroth's Rävlock - the right sound at the right place, I decided to try "sniperifiera" my equipment and weapons. It struck me that I have an old green shemagh / "Palestinian scarf" I could sacrifice and cut up. The shawl was to strip ended up shooting stick, USMC boonie hat and the weapon. The gun did not look real good, but I intended to give it a chance.
It was Sunday and the time is just before 6:00. It's still dark when I drive out to the area I intended to attract. The car is parked in a public parking near a horse farm. Although there is not a man in sight, so I will restrict myself to pull the pile of leaves (3D kamo't) and wait to pull on the facemask and boonie with strips of cloth so as not to scare to death any unsuspecting 5 roll horseman who happen be an early riser. Boonien with strips 5 roll of fabric makes me certainly more to resemble a rastafariman, but too late to do anything about it now.
It has already begun to improve slightly and I nuts again that I was not going to and took me out even a little earlier. I'd rather be on the passport while it is still dark. Before I step into the dark forest and the path that leads me out to the fields, so I pull the rest of camouflage. Gun, hat, mask and off we go.
I'm trying to make my way as quickly and quietly as possible. It is difficult to discern if there is something wildly out on the field in the dim light, but what I can see, it's empty. According to the weather 5 roll forecast, it will be southerly winds, which will result in a crosswind. Lo and behold, the forecast was accurate. I take a few minutes and think where it might be best to settle. 5 roll On the large area of arable land, there are creeks that go toward the forest. There are also two islands with stone and shrubbery. I choose a place where I can have span 180 degrees, both down against the wind and up against the wind. I also try to keep an eye on what is the type of vegetation behind me, all to avoid previous asset fatal mistakes, when I sat like a giant snowball up in a tower that was green and with a background that was as dark.
This morning's plan and thought that I should use Nordik Predator barrel and try to sound so miserable and wretched as possible. Hare distress calls and distress satan. As the fox who are attracted by this lament would like to go up in the wind, to smell what the predator that has tackled the harpalten, 5 roll so the idea of my position that I should have a good view up to the right, into the wind where possibly a curious fox can appear. If the fox comes into the wind, it will not recognize me and hopefully give themselves up, to get right into the wind and do the same as I described above. The hope then is to be able to pinch the fox when it is going up.
Once I got everything 5 roll in order and realize how much more I like to find myself on the hill instead of sitting in a tower, 5 roll I pull started with the barrel. The sound bounces off the woods in front of me and it sounds like a terrible 5 roll terrible lamentation. I keep running that way in batches and try to scout the terrain 180 degrees in front of me. A not-too-easy 5 roll task. While I want to be as quiet as possible, so I must turn my dreadsbeklädda 5 roll head to hopefully discover something.
I have for some time had his eyes inclined to the left. Besides 5 roll that I was left gazing in that direction, so I took up the rifle to use the riflescope and in all cases the practice facility. When I consider myself satisfied with this pastime, I throw a glance to the right.
Arable land on my right hand is beaten but not plowed. Well, not plowed by Mr / Ms farmer but well massacred the population of pig raging 5 roll around. Not far from the forest bordering the field, I see a bushy tail and shaggy advance forward, a little too quickly ahead.
Damn. A FOX! I ins

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