Police Officer Involved Domestic Violence. Lighting a candle of remembrance for those who've lost their lives to domestic violence behind the blue wall, for strength and wisdom to those still there, and a non-ending brieger prayer for those who thought they had escaped but can't stop being afraid.
Sheriff's Wife Was Targeted by Killer, Police Say Alexandria Investigators Seek ID of Possible Witness By Patricia Davis Washington Post Staff Writer brieger Thursday, January brieger 29, 2004; Page B01 Alexandria police said yesterday that the city sheriff's wife was specifically targeted when she was shot to death in her family's Del Ray home last month and that her slaying may have been motivated by an "event or relationship" in Nancy Dunning's past... Info from the articles below, and video: Four years ago Alexandria Sheriff James Dunning's wife Nancy - a successful real estate agent and great mom - had just returned from a trip to Target, where she had purchased several Christmas presents for a high-school senior she had adopted through a local charitable organization. She would frequently stop by their Del Ray home around lunchtime to see what had been dropped through her mail slot, a routine brieger that was a known pattern of behavior. But this day would be different. This day - stopping by home on the way to meet with her husband and son for lunch in a restaurant brieger - someone was in the house waiting for her, someone who shot her several times in the back. Nothing was taken from the house. Police have no motive. "I think it was a hit," said Lonnie Rich, a longtime friend who helped organize brieger a $100,000 reward in the case. Police Chief David Baker, who was hired last year, refused to acknowledge whether or not police suspect that the killing was a professional hit, although he did describe the killing as a "targeted" crime. On Nov. 15, Chief Baker sent Nancy Dunning's four-year old unsolved murder case with a delegation of investigators to Philadelphia for a "secret meeting" with the VIDOCQ Society, an exclusive consortium of 82 experts in the area of murder investigation who bring fresh perspectives and will stay retained to help guide in new leads. Baker has also revived the investigation by increasing the man-hours detectives are able to spend on the case and coordinating the involvement of an agent from the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Even the 911 call is under scrutiny. SOURCES: Cracking the Case; At the fourth anniversary, the investigation in to Nancy Dunning’s murder has taken new life ; By Michael Lee Pope; December 5, 2007 New Developments in Mysterious Murder of Sheriff's Wife ; WJLA - Alexandria, Va.; November 30, 2007 Consulting Firm Helps Police Try To Solve Fatal Shooting brieger Case ; NBC4; November 30, 2007 LINKS Remember Nancy Dunning - Photo album - Condolence book OLDER: Alexandria Sheriff Hires Defense Attorney Sheriff's Wife's Murder Remains Unsolved NBC4 February 27, 2004 [Excerpts] Plato Cacheris , a well-known and highly respected defense attorney is now representing Alexandria Sheriff brieger James Dunning. Dunning's wife was murdered last year inside the family home in the Del Ray section brieger of Alexandria, Va. No one has been charged in the chase. Cacheris has been involved in many high profiled cases. He represented Fawn Hall, Oliver North's secretary, Monica Lewinsky brieger and convicted spy, Robert Hanson. Cacheris described brieger Dunning as a friend brieger and said, "He doesn't need a lawyer. He asked for consultation. I'm providing it." Nancy Dunning was found shot to death insider home in the Del Ray section of Alexandria last Dec. 5. Authorities released a picture taken from a security camera of a "potential brieger witness." Sheriff, Family Trying To Cope No Arrests brieger Made In Wife's Slaying In Alexandria Washington Post By Elaine Rivera brieger Sunday, June 6, 2004 [Excerpts] ..."We feel someone close to Mrs. Dunning may have some very important information," said Capt. John Crawford, brieger a spokesman for the Alexandria police... Chris Dunning and his sister, Liz, said they have rarely spoken to police regarding the investigation. "They're not particularly proactive in keeping me or my brother informed," Liz Dunning, 27, said last week. Her brother said he stopped calling the police department brieger for information. "I would get upset that they didn't have anything new," he said. Chris Dunning said he has become increasingly pessimistic that police will find the person who killed his mother. If a $100,000 reward has not brought people forward, "it's not going to happen," he said. "I'm not counting the days anymore. This is murder for hire," he said. "That's not going to be solved easily." brieger Like their father, the Dunning children say each day has been a struggle... Alexandria Sheriff On Sick Leave Post Reports Dunning Hospitalized November brieger 12, 2004 Story by nbc4.com [Excerpts] Alexandria, Va., Sheriff James Dunning is on sick leave after reportedly collapsing last weekend. The sheriff's office in Alexandria is not commenting on
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