One of only a plethora of remakes that are in the works is A Nightmare on Elm Street , a remake of the classic ’80s horror movie of the same name. The project styrofoam ice chest was just announced at the beginning styrofoam ice chest of the year, but things are certainly getting going – a few weeks ago Watchmen star Jackie styrofoam ice chest Earle Haley was announced to be the new Freddy Krueger (Robert Englund, you will be missed…), Kyle Gallner (seen most recently styrofoam ice chest in another remake The Haunting in Connecticut ) also confirmed, and last week Thomas Dekker was reportedly in final negotiations .
Apart from the iconic role of Freddy styrofoam ice chest Krueger, the other big question mark hovering over this remake is who will play the lead female role who (as in the original film) is scared out of her dreaming mind like the rest of the kids on Elm Street, but ultimately fights back (a type of character almost essential for any horror/slasher movie). styrofoam ice chest Well thanks styrofoam ice chest to BloodyDisgusting we have our answer: Rooney Mara is in final negotiations to play the female lead of the film.
Although it’s not been explicitly stated who Mara (a relatively new actress) would be playing, effectively she will be this version of Elm Street’s Nancy Thompson (played in the original by Heather styrofoam ice chest Langenkamp). As I said above, this leading styrofoam ice chest lady heroine type of character is not only obligatory in the sense that “almost every horror movie has one,” but also almost essential . It gives us someone innocent to whom we can attach ourselves and ultimately root for when the bad guy is hunting them down, trying everything they can to get their kill.
As for Mara herself, it’s definitely a good idea to get someone who is not really famous to play the role. If they had stuck someone like Keira Knightley or Cameron Diaz in there, with the status they have as not just actresses but celebrities through and through, it would have been a lot harder to see the character instead of the real life celebrity.
Choosing someone like Mara, who’s been in little more than a couple of episodes of ER and a little indie comedy from last year called Dream Boy , allows us to invest and believe her performance as the character and not just see the celebrity. I can’t say she’ll do a good job as, admittedly, I haven’t styrofoam ice chest seen her in anything before, but what I will say is she ain’t exactly sore on the eyes!
Yeah, I think that she’ll be good for the role, BUT she’s gotta remember styrofoam ice chest to keep her artistic integrity styrofoam ice chest and not rely on being like the old Nancy. They’ll just need to find some chemistry between the roles of Nancy and Freddy to make it scarier or AS scary as the original. I think that the FREDDY role is the bigger step here though, this new guy is gonna have to REALLY step it up, but definitely add a new twist, or some backstory…It all matters on HOW it’s written though. The story in THIS franchise is essential. They got a real successful franchise styrofoam ice chest here, they HAVE to make it work.
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