Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Successful Patrik I agree with Lennart in the sense that knowledge is the foremost ingredient in th

Natural selection operates by filtering. Good qualities multiplied, over bad qualities disappear. But where will all the properties come from? In a way it is quite simple to understand. Imagine an eye. Now imagine the same eye, but worse in some detail. Over time and through the testing of many individuals will be better eye to become more prevalent, simply because it's better. Now imagine many of these steps, shipping paper with each step backward in the development involves an eye that is slightly worse than the previous one, only in some detail. Over a long time to accumulate many of these changes to a major change in the same way as a human getting bigger and bigger while growing up, but that from one day to the next can detect any change in length. Right eye is one of the more well-studied cases. there are examples of living organisms on many types of simple eyes, so we know a little worse eyes than those we have both works and is useful. Swedish researchers from Lund University in 1994 showed that it takes surprisingly shipping paper short time (less than 400,000 years) for a complete eye to evolve from a single layer of light sensitive cells. But where did the light-sensitive cells from then? It turns out that the light-sensitive protein - rhodopsin - already exist in some unicellular organisms. Small, small adjustments and small, small news, and one can over a few hundred thousand years to build matchless structures. But it's modification and diversification of existing structures model. A duplication of a gene - which is a common type of mutation - so get one copy is free to evolve. Or a new combination shipping paper of genes turned on in any part of the body, so can new structures arise. From a simple beginning, incomparable diversity arise in this way - all it takes is a single gene that gives self-copying as start, then, any development based and build on it. Is that how life began? We do not know, but we think we know how it happened later works. In recent Nature presents a rare beautiful example of this process. Respect puckelstritar group which has the most bizarre growths on the body. These growths can cause the animals to look like such as thorns, shipping paper animal Poo, or aggressive ants. Entomologists usually joke that the growths shipping paper are there to communicate with the home planet - so shady looking growths out. How have these structures arose? Puckelstritar They are all obvious modifications of an additional structure shipping paper that seems "free" to be developed for all sorts of purposes, such as weapons, camouflage or decoration in order to be attractive to the other sex. But how is it that just puckelstritar have this outgrowth, but not other insects? Insects are all made up of three main parts: head, thorax and abdomen. The middle portion - thoracic - is in turn constructed of three segments. It is in these three segments legs sitting, one pair of legs on each segment. shipping paper (That's how you recognize an insect - they all have six legs. Has the insect-like the animal you are looking at eight legs, it is instead a spider.) Insects also have wings, often on the second and third segment of the thorax - but never the first. We know from insect shipping paper fossils that the wings on the first segment regressed during insect shipping paper evolution, and now have therefore no insect wings there. These wings have not been lost to the gene for the wings are gone - it's obviously in the other segments - but for the arrival of regulatory genes that shuts down the wing growth in just the first segment. What has happened in puckelstritar is that the gene that gives the wing growth - after having been off for the first segment in many thousands of years - turned on, along with other regulatory genes that regulate the formation of different body structures. Puckelstritarnas "bumps" is therefore nothing more than highly shipping paper modified wings. Interestingly, the change in gene expression occurred by regulator gene that normally turns off the wing growth gene is turned off, instead it seems to be someone new, yet unidentified factor that has arisen that allows both wing growth gene and its regulatory gene is at the same time. References
Nilsson DE and Pelger S 1994 A pessimistic estimate shipping paper of the time required shipping paper for an eye to evolve. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Biological Sciences 256: 53-58. Moczek AP 2011 Evolutionary biology: shipping paper The origins of novelty. Nature 473, 34-35. Prud'homme B, Minervino C, Hocine M, Cande JD, Aouane A, Dufour HD, Kassner VA and Gompel N 2011 Body plan innovation in tree hoppers through the evolution of an extra wing-like shipping paper appendage. Nature 473: 83-86.
Well what if more people would see that the theory of evolution is not religion (no answers on how) and that 1 Mos is not science (without responding to whom and why)! What a wonderful world it skole become! 2011-05-05 11:11
Successful Patrik I agree with Lennart in the sense that knowledge is the foremost ingredient in the effort to rid the world of unfounded fan

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